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Kelp Chip


Kelp Chip-for gardening typically refer to small pieces or fragments of dried seaweed, These chips are used as a natural and organic soil conditioner.


Kelp Chip

Kelp Chip-for gardening typically refer to small pieces or fragments of dried seaweed, often derived from brown algae. These chips are used as a natural and organic soil conditioner and mulch in gardening.


  1. Accelerated Growth: Boasts a natural balance of major and minor nutrients, including essential trace elements. It turbocharges plant growth, unleashing their full potential for vibrant health and rapid development.
  2. Drought Resistance: Bid farewell to dry spell dilemmas. Equips your plants to combat drought stress, ensuring they stand strong and resilient even in challenging conditions.
  3. Pest and Disease Shield: Protect your precious greens. Fortifies your garden’s defense, reducing vulnerability to bothersome pests and harmful diseases. Your plants will thrive, pest-free.
  4. Optimal Yield: During the mid to later stages of growth, Kelp Chip becomes your partner in success, ensuring fruit-bearing and flowering plants yield bountiful results that exceed expectations.

How to use Kelp Chip:

  1. Incorporate into Soil: Prior to planting, blend into the soil to create a nutrient-rich foundation. Use 1-2 tablespoons per square foot of soil for optimum results.
  2. Top-Dressing: For established plants, sprinkle  around the base and gently work it into the topsoil. Adjust the quantity to plant size, applying 1-2 tablespoons per plant.
  3. Compost Enrichment: Supercharge your compost heap by adding Kelp Chip. It accelerates decomposition and infuses your compost with valuable nutrients.
  4. Foliar Spray: Mix 2 tablespoons with a gallon of water and generously spray the solution on plant leaves. This foliar application delivers an instant nutrient boost for lush growth.
  5. Regular Feeding: Maintain peak plant performance by applying it every 4-6 weeks throughout the growing season.
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

20kg, 1L, 5L, 10L, Box(4x1L)